Art Collector Spotlight: Celebrating Tina of Wild Kind Beauty


Welcome to the first feature, in a new Art Collector Spotlight series! Today, I’m thrilled to highlight a remarkable individual who seamlessly blends beauty and art—Tina, the owner of Wild Kind Beauty in Brooklyn, NY.


About Wild Kind Beauty

Wild Kind Beauty is not just any beauty studio; it’s an inclusive sanctuary where everyone is welcomed and made to feel beautiful. Offering exceptional services in skin care, body waxing, brow care, and facials, Tina and her talented team make sure that each client feels refreshed and confident.

Tina's Connection to Art

I've had the pleasure of being a client and fan of Tina's since 2020. Every visit is a calming experience for my skin and soul. Tina’s dedication to her craft and her clients is truly inspiring, which makes it even more special that she chose to incorporate art into her space.


Timeline of Togetherness Series

Tina recently purchased painting No.1 from my Timeline of Togetherness series. This series delves into the profound theme of finding togetherness through physical touch—a concept that resonates deeply with Tina's work as a beauty therapist. Using her hands to make others feel seen and more beautiful, this painting perfectly captures what she does every day.


The Perfect Addition to Wild Kind Beauty

The inclusion of painting No.1 at Wild Kind Beauty enhances the welcoming and nurturing atmosphere that Tina has cultivated. It stands as a testament to the power of touch and connection, echoing the transformative experiences that clients have in her care.


Thank You, Tina!

Thanks, Tina, for your unwavering support and for bringing a piece of the Timeline of Togetherness series into your beautiful space. Your work in making others feel seen and beautiful is truly commendable. I’m honored to be part of your journey and look forward to many more years of collaboration and friendship.

If you’re in Brooklyn, be sure to visit Wild Kind Beauty and experience the exceptional care that Tina and her team offer. And while you’re there, take a moment to enjoy the art that so perfectly complements the atmosphere of warmth and togetherness.

Stay tuned for more stories from and about our amazing community of art collectors!