10 Lessons in 40 Years: Notes On Life, Purpose, and Figuring It All Out!

My 5th birthday party in my kindergarten class!

I turned 40 in March and I haven’t looked back! While my life certainly doesn’t look how my 5-year-old self imagined it would be, it’s still a life I love — that continues to flourish and surprise me every day! But as nice as my life feels, it has not been without its challenges and subsequent lessons learned.

Here are 10 of those lessons on life, purpose, and figuring it all out that have and continue to shape my journey:

  1. Respect Your Money

    Being “good” with money is predicated on establishing a healthy and functioning relationship with money. This can look different from person to person, but the foundation of any healthy relationship is respect. Learn to take care of your money with the same level of respect you have for a loved one, and your money will respect and take care of you back!

  2. Practice The Energy of What You Seek:

    You can have and do all the things you envision for yourself by practicing the energy and feeling of them to the best of your ability now. For example, I want my work to be in art galleries, so I visit galleries to visualize my art on those walls and become familiar with the feeling of being in these spaces, thus communicating to the Universe that I am ready for more of these opportunities!

  3. Best Case Scenario Energy Only

    80% of what we think skews toward the negative. Reduce that percentage by asking yourself ‘What‘s the best possible outcome in this situation?” In any situation, from looking for a parking space to that job promotion, practicing this simple self-audit will help to find and focus on the blessings in the messiness!

  4. You Are Magic and The Words You Speak Are Spells

    Harness the power of your words to manifest your desires and shape your reality. Speaking words of affirmation, gratitude, and empowerment will help you cultivate a life full of magic. You are the magician!

  5. Begin at Step 1 And Leave Room for The Universe to Fill In The Details

    There’s an infinite amount of ways the Universe can bring you the things you want. Instead of focusing on the limited number of ways you can think of, open yourself to the unexpected ways the Universe is showing up for you!

  6. Let Them and Leave Them

    If someone is determined to misunderstand you, let them! Life is too short and energy can be best spent doing things that will improve and elevate your life. Arguing with people who’ve decided to view and treat you through the lens of their traumas and projections is not on that list of things. Let them and leave them… with love of course!

  7. There’s No Such Thing As Time Management

    Time gets a bad rap for being the thing that is out of control or mismanaged when we don’t have our shit together. The truth is time is neutral — it cannot be stopped, sped up, or slowed down, but your energy can be. If you want to be better at “managing your time”, start by managing your energy. How are you using your energy? Where are you directing? And, who has access to it? Get these things worked out, and I promise you’ll start to get back all that time you thought you lost!

  8. Life is a Feedback Loop

    Everything you experience is information that will help you create and curate the life you want. 

  9. Finding Moderation and Balance

    Too much of anything in life can lead to crashing and burning out. Integrate soft landings that support an easeful touchdown. So, go ahead and buy those new pillows and get rid of your neck pain, or buy those new running shoes so you can be pain-free while enjoying your hot girl walks!

  10. Gratitude is the Gateway to Receiving More

    Appreciating what you already have, opens you up to attracting and receiving even greater blessings and opportunities. It’s simple math, like attracts like!

I hope my personal lessons and anecdotes bring you inspiration, motivation, and many blessings!

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Talk soon!