How To Commission Art: 10 Steps To Getting Started

Photo of an original client commissioned art by artist Perryn Ryan.

Original story portrait commission.

I created this resource guide to help dispel the myth that commissioning art is inaccessible. You can have something special created just for you that aligns with your budget, taste, and vision.

Start Here:

  1. Define Your Vision Clearly: Have a clear idea of what you want. Consider the style, subject matter, size, medium, and any specific details you'd like to include.

  2. Research and Select an Artist: Look for artists whose style aligns with your vision. Browse their portfolios and previous commissions to get a sense of their capabilities.

  3. Review the Artist's Terms and Pricing: Understand the artist's commissioning process, including pricing, payment methods, and turnaround time. Some artists may require a deposit upfront.

  4. Sign a Written Agreement: If the artist has not provided one before beginning the commission, ask them for a written contract or agreement that outlines all the details of the commission, including the scope of work, deadlines, payment terms, and ownership rights.

  5. Communicate Clearly and Openly: Provide detailed information to the artist. Be specific about your expectations, preferred medium, timeline, and budget. Open and honest communication is the key to a seamless working relationship.

  6. Ask for Preliminary Concepts or Sketches: Before finalizing the commission, ask the artist for preliminary or concept sketches. This helps ensure that you and the artist are on the same page, and allows revisions if needed.

  7. Consider the Artist's Expertise: Trust the artist's creative process and expertise. They may have valuable insights that can enhance the final piece.

  8. Set Realistic Expectations: Understand that creating art takes time. Be patient and realistic about the timeline, especially if the artwork is complex or large in scale.

  9. Provide Feedback Respectfully: If there are aspects you'd like to adjust, provide feedback constructively and respectfully. Effective communication helps achieve the desired result.

  10. Show Appreciation: Once the commission is complete, express your gratitude to the artist for the time and effort they put into creating a piece specifically for you.

*Bonus Tip: Contact me to commission an original painting and let’s work together to bring your creative vision to life!

A friendly reminder as you begin your art collection:

Remember, commissioning artwork is a collaborative process. Trust the artist and enjoy the experience of bringing your vision to life!
— Perryn Ryan, 2023

Thanks for dropping by and I’ll see you in my next journal entry!

Instagram for an online portfolio of my recent work

Website to purchase my work, commission an original, and learn more about me!

I welcome your feedback, dialogue, and conversations as I continue to share with you! Drop a comment below or email directly here!

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